華語教學最權威──國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心 編寫開發※ 音檔下載連結《各行各業說中文課本2》 MP3 Download(此附件為資料壓縮檔,建議使用個人電腦進行操作下載)系列規劃此系列共兩冊,每冊共十課,課本均附作業本。是提升學生在商業環境使用中文能力的教材。
程度此教材程度規劃相當於 CEFR 的 B2-C1 或 ACTFL 的 Advanced-high,適合學過《當代中文課程 4》或《遠東商務漢語 3》,以及需要在工作中使用中文的學習者。
特色• 以對話及個案分析讓學生運用所學,在實際的商務個案中討論和解決問題。
• 在語言點的挑選上,不同於傳統語法點的做法,呈現較長的句式,並具體說明與練習這種語言表達方式可以用在什麼商業情況下。
• 文化點的設計則是著重在華人商務行為或活動的描述,利於學習者跨文化溝通。
• 每課清楚列出當課重要的學習目標與語言功能。
IntroductionThis two-volume series is a practical learning material for students working in a Chinese working environment. Each volume has ten chapters, with a workbook attached.
Volume One aims to strengthen workplace communication with colleagues and bosses; Volume Two focuses on handling external affairs. Series consists of a wide range of topics including first day of work, company trip, marketing, customer complaint, layoff and merger and acquisition, etc.
Each volume includes a textbook, a workbook and a teacher’s manual. Each chapter contains dialogue-based question, case study, culture appreciation unit and comprehensive exercise.
Level Advanced Business Chinese is suitable for learners who have complete A Course in Contemporary Chinese Volume 4 《當代中文課程 4》 or Far East Business Chinese Volume 3《遠東商務漢語 3》. This series covers levels B2 to C1 in the CEFR, or Advanced-high in ACTFL Guidelines.
Highlights• Including dialogue-based questions and case study for workplace problem solving.
• Including detailed explanation on useful expression.
• Including cultural appreciation unit based on Chinese workplace.
• Including a synopsis of learning and grammar focuses for each chapter.