Do you enjoy a joke or perhaps laughing at life itself?
Do you want to better your English without reading a lot of dull textbooks?
If the answer is “yes” to both these questions then this book is for you.
如果答案都是「是的」,這本書就是為你寫的。→→ 笑越多效果越好!趕快搭上「鮑爾列車」:
This is the nearest place to heaven in the world. (第5站)
* 在印度,看似不公平的種姓制度,原來竟然是為了讓貧賤階級的印度人到達「最終開悟之路」(final enlightenment)?(第9站)
I'd like to tell you how I walked from Europe to Asia…(第12站)
Everybody, when they’re 17, dreams of going to Paris.—— 怎麼成行?(第13站)
本書目次1. 曼谷──全世界塞車最嚴重的地方 The World's Worst Traffic Jams Are in Bangkok
2. 美國──想當推銷員就來吧! Go to America If You Want to Be a Salesman!
3. 在夢幻熱帶島嶼的樹屋裡睡上一覺 Sleeping in a Tree House on a Dreamy Tropical Island
4. 世界上最優和最遜的計程車 The World's Best and Worst Taxis
5. 為什麼英國人會在西班牙鬥牛場替牛加油? Why Do British People Cheer the Bull at Spanish Bullfights?
6. 我們以為他要劫機! We Thought He was Going to Hijack the Plane!
7. 在北京遇上毛澤東的紅衛兵 Coming up Against Mao's Red Guards in Beijing
8. 世界動物尋奇 Animal Adventures Around the World
9. 印度見聞:從種姓制度到泰姬瑪哈陵 Indian Insights from the Caste System to the Taj Maha
10. 出國購物殺價樂 -- 小心別上當! Shopping Abroad for Bargains...But Be Careful!
11. 生活困苦的舊蘇聯 Life Was Difficult in the Old Soviet Union
12. 在伊斯坦堡歐亞相遇 Europe Meets Asia in Istanbul
13. 巴黎寄宿的回憶 Memories of My Paris Homestay
14. 各國飲酒習慣面面觀 International Drinking Habits
15. 蛇和蟑螂也有妙事 Snakes and Cockroaches Can Also Be Humorous!
16. 鮑爾家族史和愛爾蘭問題 The Powle Family History and the Irish Problem
17. 給旅客的旅行妙方 Travel Tips for Tourists
18. 巴爾幹半島的奇特假期 A Strange Balkan Holiday