美國匹玆堡大學教授,講授中國古典文學、文化思想和中西比較詩學等多年。著作包括 Pearl From the Dragon’s Mouth: Evocation of Scene and Feeling in Chinese Poetry (U Michigan Press)、The Poetics of Repetition in English and Chinese Lyric Poetry (U Chicago Press),以及多篇中西比較論文及翻譯評介,刊載於美加、歐洲、港中台之主要文學、比較文學及翻譯學術期刊,如 “Problems of Perspective in Chinese-Western Comparative Literature Studies”(Canadian Review of Comparative Literature), “Mimesis and Xing—Two modes of Viewing Reality: Comparing English and Chinese Poetry” (Comparative Literature Studies), “Two Views of Mutability: A Comparative Reading of Chinese and English Poems” (Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature), “Cultural Dimensions of Translation: The Case of Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into English”(Tamkang Review), “Wang Guowei王國維(1877-1927) as Translator of Values (Translation and Creation), “Gong Weizhai: Letter from the Snow-Swan Studio” (Renditions), 〈孫筑瑾教授談中西文學比較研究〉(當代海外中國研究二集)。其比較論文主軸旨在闡明文學與文化思想 之密切關係,反對抽離文化傳統之比附。近年嘗試寫散文,内容以讀書心得生活隨感所觸發之浮想爲主。已在北京中華書局的《文史知識》,《博覽群書》,《中華讀書庫》及臺灣聯合報及中華日報副刊等發表。